Dr. Peng He image
Principal Investigator
Michigan State University
Peng is a Research Assistant Professor of CEPSE at MSU. He develops and tests science learning systems with innovative technologies (e.g., AI). He was an Assistant Professor of Chemistry Education at Northeast Normal University.
Dr. Namsoo Shin's photo
Co-Principal Investigator
Michigan State Univeristy
Namsoo is an Associate Research Professor in CEPSE at MSU. She is engaged in complex research and evaluation of various projects and in designing classroom activities, learning technology tools and assessments.
Senior Advisor
Michigan State University
Joe directs the CREATE for STEM Institute and is the Lappan-Phillips Professor of Science Education. His research focuses on reforming science teaching to promote engagement and learning of science through project-based learning.
Research Assistant
Michigan State University
Jonathan is a PhD candidate in CITE program at MSU. His research focuses on supporting students in systems thinking as they build and revise computational models through the lens of design-based research.
Visiting Scholar
Capital Normal University
Mingchun is an assistant professor from Capital Normal University. She is a visiting scholar at MSU CREATE from 09/12/2022 to 08/16/2023. Her research focuses on teacher education and science education.
Visiting Student
Nation Taiwan Normal University
Mao-Jen is a Ph.D. student at Nation Taiwan Normal University. He is a visiting research scholar at CREATE for STEM Institute at Michigan State University. His research interest is in modeling practice in middle school.